Air Sparging

The GEE Air Sparging system enhances bio-degradation of contaminants in and above groundwater by injecting air directly into groundwater and volatilizing the contaminants. Also known as in situ air stripping, the GEE Air Sparging system is an enhancement technology to the GEE Soil Vapour Extractor (SVE). The Air Sparging system is compact and quiet and can be custom-manufactured for your specific needs with a wide variety of flow rates and pressures available.
Problems Solved
The Science Behind Air Sparging
GEE’s Air Sparging system is a GEE SVE enhancement technology that forces air into the groundwater. As the forced air rises, the contaminants rise up with it and are carried into the unsaturated zone. As the contaminants move into the soil, the GEE SVE system removes the vapours. Moreover, the oxygen acts as a bacterial nutrient to enhance biodegradation of contaminants in and above the water table.


Custom Manufactured to Your Needs
The GEE Air Sparging System can be made to your exact specifications. There are a wide variety of flow rates and pressures available and a multi-valve automated header design option for increased efficiency.
Low Maintenance
We build our Air Sparging Systems (and all our systems, really) for high runtimes and zero to no downtimes. We use dry, contactless pumps for longevity, high robustness and low maintenance.
Zero Backflow into Injection Wells
We use a micro-slotted well screen for horizontal or vertical applications; it acts as a check valve – not allowing water to backflow into injection wells. It also achieves uniform distribution throughout the well screen by being pressure limited.