SAGD Waste Water Treatment for Reuse by EPT EOX
Ground Effects successfully treated SAGD produced waste water removing silica, TSS, COD, TOC, H2S, metals and bacteria exceeding reuse criteria for steam generation.
The Situation
GEE's EOX is operating on a SAGD plant successfully removing silica, TSS, COD, H2S, metals and TOC. The success of this project meets several industry challenges. Water treatment and steam generation create a high demand for clean water. Reuse of produced water is critical to the life cycle and further production in SAGD facilities. Each year millions of cubic meters of contaminated waste water are produced daily. Due to an increased water demand for production, limited quality water availability and continued stringent regulatory requirements, water availability and usage can become a limiting factor. The EOX successfully treats the produced water to reuse standards, reducing pressure on fresh water supplies. It replaces expensive chemical processes including WLS and HLS. Operational success of the SAGD includes 50 % reduction in Capex and Opex of $0.40 - $ 0.80/m3. The EOX also has a small footprint and is scaleable.

The Solution
Ground Effects successfully treated SAGD produced waste water exceeding reuse criteria.The EPT EOX technology can treat the wide variety of contaminants within the waste stream to below criteria. The reuse of water allows further SAGD operations to continue while minimizing the use of fresh water operationally.

The Results
The EPT EOX pilot trial treated SAGD Produced water from a Facility in Saskatchewan.
- Viable solution, continuous treatment of produced waste water
- Easily handles hydrocarbon upsets, pH fluctuations and high H2S levels
- Following treatment, the cleaned water can now be reused for production needs.
- Reduced costs of chemical additives, operations and maintenance.
Easily expanded for future production requirements